Discussion 'ouverte' pour comparer Linux et Windows

Jeu 30 décembre 2004

[via Slashdot et Ade Bradshaw]
La radio TechNet, hébergée par Microsoft (Alerte Troll niveau orange) a programmé un "débat" (Alerte Troll niveau orange foncé) devant comparer les différences (Alerte Troll niveau rouge) entre Windows et Linux (Alerte Troll niveau cramoisi).

T'ain... Au bout de cinq minutes d'écoute, je suis partagé entre les larmes de désespoir et les soubresauts d'un rire inextinguible.
Extraits choisis :

Microsoft believes that customer needs drive the competitive debate [..] The other myth you talked about isn't just Linux, and this is one my favorite subjects to talk about. We do get this a lot from customers, customers coming to us saying we're thinking about running Linux or my competitor is running Linux, shouldn't I run it as well, and Linux means nothing more than just saying the word Unix or Windows. It's a really abstract term, and really what they're talking about is like a Linux distribution such as Red Hat or SUSE or Debian or Mandrake. [..]So the idea that it's “just Linux” is very much a misperception. Linux is nothing more than a kernel. And it's a kernel to do two things very simply; it's one to implement some POSIX compliance and to run on somewhat industry-standard hardware.

C'est du FUD. Y'a parfois des éclairs de lucidité concernant le modèle commercial des distributions payantes (RedHat, Mandrake, SuSE), mais dans l'ensemble, c'est plutôt affligeant.